2F, 2M
The Gett is a tale of the dirty and the divine, drawing on everything from the Torah to bad sex. It’s about the tacky menorah in your lobby behind the Christmas tree and the lover whose phone number you can’t forget and that voicemail from your mother you haven't listened to yet. Punctuated by magic and ritual, this play is a comedy of separation and restoration.
Rattlestick Playwrights Theater (feat. Jennifer Westfeldt)
Susan Smith Blackburn Prize Nominee
CBE & Rattlestick Playwrights Theater Commission
Theater Ariel (Salon Series)
PlayPerView (feat. Miriam Silverman & Tovah Feldshuh)
Colorado New Play Festival Selection
Sewanee Writers' Conference (Walter E. Dakin Fellowship)
Princess Grace Semi-Finalist

6F, 1 Voice
Six squabbling teenage girls at a Talmud lesson negotiate snacks and sex and the Sabbath--and everything in between. Loosely based on the underwritten women of the Torah, The Matriarchs charts the journey of six friends as they grow up and out of the orthodoxy. This is a play about gods, mothers, and other creators.
Eugene O'Neill National Playwrights Conference
Susan Smith Blackburn Prize Nominee
Developed with the Civilians R&D
Princess Grace Finalist
Theater J Abramson Prize Finalist (Top 3)
Blue Ink Award Finalist
Premiere Stages Semi-Finalist
Jewish Plays Project Semi-Finalist
2F, 3M
Zach is a medieval scholar and devotee of LARP (Live Action Role Playing); Laura ghost-writes romance novels. They meet at the crossroads of the competing realities they create and live in. Round Table is a comedy about pretending to be what you already are.
59E59 with Fault Line Theater
Tierra Del Sol
Times Square Chronicles' Best of 2019

4F, 2M
Everyone is dead. And in period costume. The women who waited on Mozart all their lives are now awaiting him in death and grappling with with their own personal hells... until they find who they thought they were looking for. Loosely adapted from The Magic Flute, this is an absurdist feminist treatment of traditional ideas of “genius."
Developed with Dal Cassetto Scripts,
Workshop & Reading with Martian Productions
Amphibian SPARKFest Finalist
2F, 1M, 1 NB
Teachers and students at an "all boys' school" on the San Andreas Fault in California. But also at an Italian hotel at the base of a dormant volcano. As the physical and emotional lines between friends and spouses start to blur, everyone must decide what can and can't be said. Romance Languages is a quantum play about love and earthquakes.
Blue Ink Award SemiFinalist
Bonfire Theater Group
Xavier University Commission
Reading & Workship dir. Michael Haney
The Commissary Reading (feat. Marin Ireland, Talene Monahan, Ryan Spahn, Jo Lampert)

co-created with Dina Vovsi
2F, 1M
Velcome to Brighton Video. Vat do you need? One stormy afternoon, Marina finds herself sheltering Abdur, a teenager on a mission to save the whales, in her store. A familiar and singular story of migration inspired by stories from the communities of Brighton Beach, The Blue Parts examines the lives we lead when we leave the places we call home.
Working Theater Commission & Reading
NYSCA Grant Recipient
(a very short play about two very short lives)
2 F/M/NB
Written for the Blue Ink Ripp'd Festival, this is a play about two blue hydrozoan sentient creatures washed up on shore. That's all we know for sure... the rest is velella.
Sewanee Writers' Conference Reading

one woman shows

SCHEISS BOOK is an award-winning one-woman show about very long German words you have never heard of that perfectly describe feelings you have had forever. Blending stand up and Shakespeare, this play explores the Soviet experience and the coming of age of a neurotic Jewess.
Theater Row (record-holding sales & encores)
Dixon Place, Wild Project, Stonewall Inn
Winner: Backstage Magazine Audience Choice Award
Winner: Best One-Woman Show, International United Solo Theater Festival
Kitchen Theater Company
Romance. Roses. RPGs. Mother Russia. This is a quest through ancient video game pixels and contemporary princes... because nothing is as real as the fairy tale you tell yourself.
Developed with Natasha Warner
Workshops with United Solo and 14STY Tikkun
LABA Second Stage Residency